Radar presentation When a vessel follows the circular path of a turn, fixed targets displayed on a radar in the head up orientation will follow a predictable track concentric to the turn’s centre. (see figure 1). Figure 1 – Concentric movement of fixed targets...
Procedure for performing a planned turn – head up orientation The procedure for performing a planned turn with a radar in the Head Up orientation involves three steps:- planning the turn from a chart, setting up the radar and executing the turn. Planning from...
Planning considerations – reference point selection Sensitivity It can be seen in the preceding animations that: Reference points directly above or below the VRM centre are the most sensitive to turn radius changes. Reference points directly above and below the...
Error sources and limitations There are two sources of error on head up orientation, heading flash alignment and range. If it is your own radar, these errors should be rectified in the set up. Pilots may not have this option. Heading flash alignment On passage, the...
Adapting the technique to the radar available All radars offer head up orientation but have different features.It can be seen from the preceding images that trails and being able to offset the VRM make monitoring the turn easy. (see figures 5, 6 & 7). Some models...
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